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希斯罗气味地球仪 一嗅环游全世界|新宝GG娱乐

发布日期:2024-08-23 13:07:02 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Nothing evokes a sense of place like the heady waft of a familiar smell.没什么能像醉人的熟知气味那样唤醒人们身临其境的感觉。

Nothing evokes a sense of place like the heady waft of a familiar smell.没什么能像醉人的熟知气味那样唤醒人们身临其境的感觉。And passengers travelling from Heathrows Terminal 2 can now be transported to across the world in a single sniff.现在,从希斯罗机场2号航站楼启程的旅客们需要“一腺周游世界”。To celebrate the completion of its newly reinvigorated terminal, the airport has installed a scent globe which shoots out the smell of its most fragrant destinations, intending to take passengers on a sensory journey before even setting foot on their flights.为了庆典新建航站楼的竣工,机场加装了一个“气味地球仪”,可以涌出那些“最差言目的地”的气味,目的“率领旅客在登机前再行来一场感官之旅”。

Perched in the departure lounge, the orb offers curious globetrotters whiffs of Thailand, South Africa, Japan, China and Brazil. The selection were chosen for their popularity with Heathrow air passengers.坐落于在候机厅,地球仪为奇怪的环球旅行者获取泰国、南非、日本、中国和巴西的气味。之所以自由选择这几个地方,是因为它们是颇受希斯罗旅客青睐的目的地。

To conjure up the essence of the five nations, Heathrow worked with Design in Scent, to produce tailor-made scents from ingredients associated with the designated country.为了呈现这五个国家的本质,希斯罗与气味设计公司合作,运用与登录国家涉及的要素为其自定义专属的气味。South Africas smell captures the adventure of safari with notes of tribal incense, wild grass and musky animalics through the scent of Hyraceum (a rock like substance made from the excrement of the Cape hyrax).南非的气味捕猎了如冒险般的游猎的气息,混杂着部落的烧香、野草的气味和蹄兔香中透着的动物的麝香。

(蹄兔梨是一种岩石状物质,由蹄兔的排泄物构成。)While Brazils scent oozes rich rainforest fauna with a palette of coffee, tobacco and jasmine.而巴西的气味则弥漫着非常丰富的热带雨林动物群的味道,同时还具有咖啡、烟草和茉莉的气味。Japan is brought to life through cool, oceanic tones with a mix of seaweed and shell extracts, green tea and Ambergris, capturing the essence of coastal villages synonymous with the great Pacific Island.日本被活灵活现地再现了,用的是炎热的海洋气息,夹杂海藻和贝壳提取物的气味、绿茶的香气和龙涎香,捕捉到了这座太平洋岛屿的沿海村落的感觉。

According to the Heathrow Airport website: Chinas mystical temple incense and subtle Osmanthus Fragrans flower create an orient explosion, and Thailand tantalises the taste buds with an appetising mix of lemongrass, ginger and coconut.根据希斯罗机场的官网,“中国谜样的寺庙烧香和淡淡的桂花香营造了一种东方的感觉”,而“泰国以油腻的柠檬草、姜和椰子的混合香气符合了人们的味蕾”。Normand Boivin, Chief Operating Officer at the airport said: Heathrow connects the UK to 180 destinations in 28 countries and carries over 72 million passengers a year.机场首席运营官诺曼德·博伊文说道:“希斯罗把英国同28个国家的180个目的地联系在一起,每年载运多达七千两百万的旅客。”Heathrow is the UKs hub airport; mixing direct passengers, transfers and freight to make long haul flights viable. We strive to offer a unique experience that delights our passengers.“希斯罗是英国的枢纽机场,有往返旅客、转机旅客和航空货运,长途飞行以求成事。

我们独立国家为旅客获取使他们高兴的独有体验。”These specially created scents will give passengers travelling through Terminal 2 an exclusive preview of destinations that only Heathrow connects to.“这些尤其制作的气味能给与那些从2号航站楼启程或路经的旅客们独有的预览,而只有希斯罗相连着这些目的地。”Last week saw Heathrows brand new Terminal 2 operate at full capacity with all 26 airlines now in their new home. Three and a half million passengers fly out from Terminal 2 on over 21,000 flights in the last five months.上周,希斯罗全新的2号航站楼全力运转,有26个航空公司入驻了它们的新家。过去五个月,有三百五十万乘客搭乘两万一千多架飞机从2号航站楼抵达。



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