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发布日期:2024-09-10 13:07:01 浏览次数:
本文摘要:“The physical absence was the first thing I noticed,” says Katie Reid, 29, who gave up her iPhone in February for a flip phone. “It felt like something was missing from my body.” This phantom-limb-like sensation will last about a month; a flip phone will never have that same hold on you. To make the transition tolerable, wean yourself slowly. For Reid, who is the director of digital media at a boys’ school in Baltimore, the process took years. First, do a smartphone self-diagnosis. “If there’s something in your gut telling you this isn’t good for you, explore that,” says Reid, who found that the constant access to social-media sites, Twitter especially, made her anxious and sad.“身体上的缺陷是我年所察觉到的,”29岁的凯蒂·里德说道。

“The physical absence was the first thing I noticed,” says Katie Reid, 29, who gave up her iPhone in February for a flip phone. “It felt like something was missing from my body.” This phantom-limb-like sensation will last about a month; a flip phone will never have that same hold on you. To make the transition tolerable, wean yourself slowly. For Reid, who is the director of digital media at a boys’ school in Baltimore, the process took years. First, do a smartphone self-diagnosis. “If there’s something in your gut telling you this isn’t good for you, explore that,” says Reid, who found that the constant access to social-media sites, Twitter especially, made her anxious and sad.“身体上的缺陷是我年所察觉到的,”29岁的凯蒂·里德说道。二月份,她退出了自己的iPhone并替换成一部翻盖手机。“感觉看起来我的身体较少了某个东西。




她找到持续地用于社交网站,特别是在是Twitter,让她既情绪又伤痛。She began by removing the social-media apps from her iPhone. That might be enough, but if you continue to feel a compulsion that makes you uneasy, consider flip-phonedom. Start paying more attention to geography. Reid worried most about the loss of GPS-enabled maps. Without them, you’ll need to plan ahead by looking up directions and printing them out or writing them down. “I bought some maps for my car,” Reid says. You will occasionally get lost. Still, take comfort in the fact that smartphones are all around you; nearly 80 percent of adults in the United States have one. You can ask for directions. Others can order an Uber or Lyft for you. Recently, Reid’s 1-year-old daughter had a birthday party. “I didn’t take any pictures,” she says, but of course she knew that someone else would.她从删去自己iPhone里的社交媒体软件开始转行。那样做到有可能充足了,但是如果你仍旧感受到一种使你深感忧虑的强制感觉,那么就考虑一下翻盖手机吧。




“我没有拍电影任何照片,”她说道,但是她当然也告诉,其他人不会拍电影。Prepare for clunky predictive-texting technology. For Reid, this T9 texting — that is, without a full keyboard — is the most irksome thing about the flip phone. You’ll end up calling people more often.准备好面临僵硬的短信输出预测技术。对于里德来说,这种T9输入法——也就是说,没全键盘的输入法——是翻盖手机最令人讨厌的地方。你最后不会更好地给人打电话。

Social interactions will be challenging. People will tease you or apologize sheepishly for using their phones in front of you. Your parents might be frustrated. Onlookers will assume you hate technology. Maybe you do, but Reid doesn’t. She spends long stretches of her days in front of a computer, but she has no desire to go back to a smartphone. “There was this expectation that I was going to be reachable all the time,” Reid says. “I like not having to answer to that.”社交往来不会很有挑战性。人们取笑你,或是在你面前用于手机深感很说什么。你的父母可能会未尝厌烦。





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