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发布日期:2024-09-11 13:07:01 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Nothing attracts news organizations like Facebook. And nothing makes them more nervous.没像Facebook那样更有新闻机构的东西了。

Nothing attracts news organizations like Facebook. And nothing makes them more nervous.没像Facebook那样更有新闻机构的东西了。也没什么东西能让新闻机构更加紧绷。

With 1.4 billion users, the social media site has become a vital source of traffic for publishers looking to reach an increasingly fragmented audience glued to smartphones. In recent months, Facebook has been quietly holding talks with at least half a dozen media companies about hosting their content inside Facebook rather than making users tap a link to go to an external site.这个享有14亿用户的社交媒体网站,对期望更有整天盯着手机屏幕、更加迟疑的受众的出版商来说,已沦为一个流量的最重要来源。近几个月来,Facebook已与最少六家媒体公司悄悄进行谈判,讲关于用Facebook内部的主机来托管地媒体公司内容的合作,从而需要让用户通过页面链接转入外部的网站。Such a plan would represent a leap of faith for news organizations accustomed to keeping their readers within their own ecosystems, as well as accumulating valuable data on them. Facebook has been trying to allay their fears, according to several of the people briefed on the talks, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were bound by nondisclosure agreements.这个计划将对习惯于将读者回到自己的生态系统里、同时对其搜集有价值数据的新闻机构来说,是个一百八十度的大转弯。据几位理解谈判的人说道,Facebook仍然在企图避免新闻机构的担忧,这些人拒绝不明示,因为他们投了保密协议。

Facebook intends to begin testing the new format in the next several months, according to two people with knowledge of the discussions. The initial partners are expected to be The New York Times, BuzzFeed and National Geographic, although others may be added since discussions are continuing. The Times and Facebook are moving closer to a firm deal, one person said.据两位理解谈判情况的人说道,Facebook计划在未来几个月开始测试这种新的方式。最初的合作伙伴预计将还包括《纽约时报》、BuzzFeed,以及《国家地理》(National Geographic)杂志,但其他公司有可能也不会重新加入进去,因为辩论仍在之后。

有一位人士回应,时报与Facebook正在相似达成协议一项协议。To make the proposal more appealing to publishers, Facebook has discussed ways for publishers to make money from advertising that would run alongside the content.为了让建议对出版商极具吸引力,Facebook明确提出了几种让出版商能用与内容同时运营的广告赚的方法。Facebook has said publicly that it wants to make the experience of consuming content online more seamless. News articles on Facebook are currently linked to the publisher’s own website, and open in a web browser, typically taking about eight seconds to load. Facebook thinks that this is too much time, especially on a mobile device, and that when it comes to catching the roving eyeballs of readers, milliseconds matter.Facebook曾公开发表回应,期望能把用户在网上消费内容的体验显得更加简洁。Facebook上的新闻文章目前是链接到出版商自己的网站上的,并在分开的浏览器面页中关上,内容读取一般来说须要约八秒钟。

Facebook指出这个时间过于宽了,特别是在是在移动设备上,考虑到这牵涉到捕猎读者大大移动的眼球,毫秒的时间都很最重要。In addition to hosting content directly on Facebook, the company is talking with publishers about other technical ways to hasten delivery of their articles.除了把内容必要托管地到Facebook上,该公司也在与出版发行商讨关于让其内容更加慢读取的其他技术手段。

Even marginal increases in the speed of a site, said Edward Kim, chief executive of the analytics and distribution company SimpleReach, generally mean big increases in user satisfaction and traffic. So it is likely, he said, that Facebook’s plan focuses on those small improvements, rather than on getting money from deals with media companies.分析发售流量的公司SimpleReach的首席执行官爱德华·金(Edward Kim)回应,即使是网站速度微不足道的减少,一般来说也意味著用户失望程度和流量的大幅提高。所以,他说道,Facebook的计划很有可能注重的是这些小的改良,而不是通过与媒体公司达成协议赚。

“But there are a lot of implications for publishers,” he added. “It really comes down to how Facebook structures this, and how they can ensure this is a win on both sides.”“但这对出版商来说也有不少影响,”他补足说道。“这归根结底各不相同Facebook将如何构建,各不相同他们怎么确保这对双方来说是互利互惠的。”The issue is also pressing, he said, because some media companies have seen a drop in traffic from Facebook that could be attributed to the company’s prioritizing of video — a much more lucrative medium for ad sales.他说道,这个问题也具备迫切感觉,因为有些媒体公司早已看见来自Facebook的流量有所上升,有可能是由于Facebook在重点发展视频内容,视频是更加有利可图的广告销售渠道。

Video has become increasingly popular with Facebook users and advertisers, and at its developer conference that begins on Wednesday, the company is expected to introduce expanded tools to place video ads inside non-Facebook applications.视频早已沦为更加不受Facebook用户和广告客户青睐的内容。在周三开始的Facebook开发者大会上,公司未来将会发售把视频广告添加非Facebook应用于中的拓展工具。Like Facebook, media companies also want improved user experiences. Still, they are treading carefully. While BuzzFeed has an overt policy of spreading its content outside of its own site, The Times uses a subscription model that provides a growing portion of the company’s revenue. It would have to weigh the benefits of reaching Facebook’s users — and the ad revenue that comes with them — against the prospect of giving away its content and losing the clicks on its own site that would instead stay within Facebook.与Facebook一样,媒体公司也期望改良用户体验。


时报被迫权衡获得Facebook用户所带给的益处、及其所附带的广告收益,因为这种作法牵涉到到免费获取自己的内容,丧失自己网站点击数,让Facebook获得这些点击数的前景。Some news organizations have reacted coolly to the proposal. Several employees of The Guardian, for example, have informally suggested to colleagues at other publications that publishers should band together to negotiate deals that work for the whole industry, and should retain control of their own advertising, whether content is hosted on Facebook or not, a person with knowledge of the discussions said.有些新闻机构对Facebook的建议反应热烈。比如,一位理解有关辩论的人回应,《卫报》(The Guardian)的几名员工应向在其他出版物工作的同事收到非正式建议,出版商不应牵头一起进行谈判,以达成协议对整个行业不切实际的协议,并不应保有对自己做广告的控制权,不管出版商的内容否托管地在Facebook网站上。

Representatives for The Times and BuzzFeed declined to comment on Monday. The Guardian and National Geographic did not immediately respond to questions about talks with Facebook.时报和BuzzFeed的代表周一婉言拒绝公开发表评论。《卫报》和《国家地理》没立刻恢复有关与Facebook谈判的发问。The Huffington Post and the business and economics website Quartz were also approached. Both also declined to discuss their involvement.Facebook与《赫芬顿邮报》(Huffington Post)以及商业和经济网站Quartz也有认识。这两家也婉言拒绝辩论他们的参予。

Facebook declined to comment on its specific discussions with publishers. But the company noted that it had provided features to help publishers get better traction on Facebook, including tools unveiled in December that let them target their articles to specific groups of Facebook users, such as young women living in New York who like to travel.Facebook婉言拒绝有无与出版商的明确辩论公开发表评论。但公司认为,它早已为出版商获取某些功能,协助他们在Facebook上更有更好的读者,这些功能还包括去年12月公布的、让出版商能向特定的Facebook用户群获取内容的工具,比如住在纽约、讨厌旅游的年长女性们。

The company recognizes that the new plan, championed by Chris Cox, the top lieutenant to Facebook’s chief, Mark Zuckerberg, on product matters, would remove the usual ads that publishers place around their content. Although the revenue-sharing ideas are still in flux, one would allow publishers to show a single ad in a custom format within each Facebook article, according to one person with knowledge of the discussions.公司认识到,由Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)的高级副手克里斯·考克斯(Chris Cox)提倡的有关产品问题的新计划,将避免出版商一般来说决定的与其内容同时经常出现的广告。虽然分享收益的方法仍在大大变化,但据一位理解辩论的人说道,其中一个有可能是容许出版商在每篇Facebook文章中,用自订格式表明一个广告。Facebook has not historically done any kind of revenue-sharing with content publishers. Essentially, its position has been “Put your content on Facebook and we’ll send you traffic.” But lately Facebook has been experimenting with revenue-sharing options. In December, it began showing N.F.L. clips sponsored by Verizon. Verizon paid for the clips to be sent to people’s news feeds and ran an ad at the end of them. The N.F.L. and Facebook split the revenue.Facebook有史以来未曾与内容出版商有过任何形式的收益分享。


Verizon公司借钱把视频发送到人们的新闻订阅者中,然后在视频结尾处放段广告。收益由NFL与Facebook分为。The new proposal by Facebook carries another risk for publishers: the loss of valuable consumer data. When readers click on an article, an array of tracking tools allow the host site to collect valuable information on who they are, how often they visit and what else they have done on the web.Facebook的新方案给出版商带给另一种风险:丧失有价值的消费者数据。

当读者页面一篇文章时,一系列的追踪工具让网站主机需要搜集有价值的信息,比如读者是谁,他们采访网站的频率,他们在网站上还做到了什么等等。That data might instead go to Facebook, which like many companies uses that information itself to target and track consumers more effectively for advertisers (and which has been subject to criticisms over its privacy policies). It has not been disclosed how much of that data Facebook would be willing to share.这些数据或许不会被Facebook获得,与许多公司用于这类信息的公司一样,Facebook自己将能协助广告商更加有效地针对及追踪消费者(Facebook的隐私政策仍然受到人们的抨击)。Facebook公司还没透漏不会不愿共享多少这类数据。And if Facebook pushes beyond the experimental stage and makes content hosted on the site commonplace, those who do not participate in the program could lose substantial traffic — a factor that has played into the thinking of some publishers. Their articles might load more slowly than their competitors’, and over time readers might avoid those sites.如果Facebook将试验项目更进一步推展,让用于其网站托管地内容沦为司空见惯的事情,那么,那些不参予该计划公司可能会丧失大量的流量,这在一些出版商的考虑到中是一个因素。

他们的内容有可能比他们竞争对手的读取速度减慢,随着时间的流逝,读者可能会防止这些快的网站。And just as Facebook has changed its news feed to automatically play videos hosted directly on the site, giving them an advantage compared with videos hosted on YouTube, it could change the feed to give priority to articles hosted directly on its site.而且,正如Facebook早已转变了其新闻订阅者工具,让托管地在其网站的视频能自动播放、使这些视频与托管地在YouTube上的视频比起有了优势一样,Facebook也可能会改动新闻订阅者工具,让必要托管地在其网站上的文章有更高的优先级。Over the long term, said Alan D. Mutter, a newspaper consultant who writes a blog called Reflections of a Newsosaur, all publishers are likely to have to allow their content to range more freely outside of their own sites.为报纸不作咨询的阿兰·D·穆特(Alan D. Mutter)有一个取名为“新闻老古董的思维”(Reflections of a Newsosaur)的博客,他说道,从将来来看,所有的出版商都有可能被迫让其内容在自身网站以外的地方更加权利地流动。

“But in the short term,” he said, “it’s a scary proposition because publishers want to control their brand, and their audience and their advertising dollars.”“不过在短期内,这是件可怕的事情,因为出版商想要掌控自己的品牌、自己的受众,以及自己的广告收益,”他说道。Facebook, on the other hand, he said, can only benefit from it. “It enhances user satisfaction, keeps users on its site and has better content which allows it to sell advertising at better rates,” Mr. Mutter said.而从另一方面来看,Facebook只不会借此获益,他说道。“它强化了用户的失望程度,把用户回到了自己的网站上,这竟然它能把广告买到更高的价钱,”穆特说道。



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